Happy 4th of July this weekend! Enjoy your celebration with family, friends, and neighbors safely. Gatherings can happen again making great memories, enjoying fun times, food, and the weather is going to be fairly comfortable after the recent hot record breaking days that are past us.
For those new to Blaine there are several activities planned in downtown Blaine to check out. There will be no parade this year and this is sad as this has always been a fun annual event. Enjoy the fireworks in Blaine in the evening. As a reminders for all homeowners and renters, there are no fireworks allowed in the Loomis Trail Neighborhood. For homeowners that have renters, it is your responsibility to share this information with them.
BOD HOA Meetings Will Resume Beginning in August 2021:
Watch for a special post later this month listing the monthly meetings for the rest of 2021 once the location is finalized with dates and times.
CC & R’s Continued Follow Up & Reminders From the July Newsletter:
All homeowners need to read the CC & R’s before starting a project and possibly making some assumptions that things can just be done without BOD approval. Keep in mind, neighbors contact Judy Hamner and BOD volunteers and question if things have been approved or not as requests. Questions and concerns by neighbors also need to be answered in the best interest of the Loomis Trail neighbors and neighborhood. On the flip side of the coin, many thanks to homeowners that plan well in advance with requests and submit proper paperwork and attachments for their request(s). In the in the last 6 months there have been many more than prior years by far.
Planning ahead is so important and much appreciated. Requests and responses cannot be given on demand or granted instantly. HOA volunteer board members have up to 30 days for review, questions that arise, responses, board discussions, and final approval or denial notification. Keep in mind when multiple requests come in during the busy spring and summer months the board is juggling sometimes multiple other requests. In the best interest of the homeowner and the entire HOA homeowners that live in the neighborhood careful review is necessary as homes may end up being sold in the future and if questions are asked at a later date on why something is the way it is answers need to be available for why a decision or change was granted. So it is not just for the short term decision making, but looking at the long term possible questions that could come in the future as well and board members change yearly so keeping good records is important.
HOA board volunteers lead busy lives and serving on the board is an added responsibility that they take seriously with careful review. Thanks everyone for understanding.
East Gate Signage and Safety Update from the June Newsletter:
Safety is important in our Loomis Trail neighborhood and for our good neighbors at Loomis Trail Golf. Thanks again to Sienna Court neighbors concerned about some cars leaving at a high speed as they exit the golf course parking lot and concern for a serious accident to occur that almost did. Silver Reef Casino Managers and Loomis Trail Golf Course staff responded very favorably to the BOD and suggestions to help their patrons slow down on leaving as they approach the east gate area. The Marketing Department is working on a SLOW DOWN sign that will be posted soon. With this new sign and drivers exiting our neighborhood at the east gate, this hopefully will get the attention of drivers. Also, as a reminder for all drivers exiting both gates to stop completely at both gates entering both roads and traffic.
Garage Sale for August 2021 Will Not Be Happening:
At this time there will be no scheduled garage sale in August. Since the last newsletter there were no additional interested homeowners that wanted to participate. Neither person wanted to be the Chairperson either. If by August 21, 2021 any more interest is shown for proper planning there could be a possible October 2021 garage sale. Please send an email to [email protected] with your name and Chairperson Interest as well. For new neighbors, there is only one annual garage sale a year in the neighborhood and proper planning is necessary for advertising, gate opening, and safety with parking, etc.
Summer Quarterly Drive Thru – Scheduled for July 7, 2021 this week:
For the most part, a “Big Kudos” to so many homeowners for keeping their properties looking well cared for during the spring and now summer months. This includes well maintained mowing of empty lots and all properties; as well as landscaping overall such as: Pruning/cutting trees and shrubs, dead heading and cutting old debris from flowers, picking up pine cones, raking landscaped beds, covering landscaped fabric that is showing that is noticeable, weeding, and more. A pristine neighborhood is a real estate investment for each property owner and the entire neighborhood. First impressions matter in the neighborhood by those interested in continuing to purchase homes for sale. Loomis Trails is a top sought out and desirable neighborhood to live in.
Congrats to all the recent home buyers on their sales. Many neighbors are going to be missed dearly in the neighborhood. A friendly Welcome to the new homeowners moving in this month too. Multiple offers and strong interest moving forward in 2021 is predicted, so this is promising news for the entire neighborhood.
Also, as a good neighbor walk out to the sidewalk in front of your home and if shrubs are hanging into the walkway please trim this weekend as there are some areas of concern to walkers and bike riders. Thank you for taking this extra step in keeping things trimmed especially in the summer when things grow so fast.
Enjoy the month of July and Please Drive through the Neighborhood Safely Please at 15mph. If you have news announcements, items for sale, or photos for the newsletter for August send them no later than July 21, 2021 to [email protected] please.
Kathy Barnes
Secretary of the BOD and Newsletter Volunteer
[email protected] (360) 305-5508
[Cover photo credit: Laura Howell]