
January 11, 2021 Loomis Trail HOA Newsletter Update

Neighborhood Appreciation:

The following email was received by HOA neighbor Roberta Reyes wishing to share a thank you note:

Hello Kathy,

I would like to send out a “thank you” to a few kind neighbors who checked in on me while I was recovering from my hernia operation.  Terry next door called and came by. Chrissy and Jimmy new neighbors next door, texted me to check on me and Jan down the street was kind enough to drop off some wonderful home baked healthy muffins and a sweet get well card.

It’s kindness like this that lifts our spirit and heart, that is so wonderful.

Happy, Healthy, New Year!

Roberta Reyes

Note:  Thanks to Roberta for sharing this email notification and to the neighbors that cared too.

Notice Reminder HOA Ballots Are Due No Later Than January 22, 2021:

As a reminder, all HOA members were sent their Annual General Meeting Packet by mail dated December 28, 2020.  If you have not read your correspondence packet yet, please do so now and send in your Loomis Trail Absentee Ballot Page  to  Elite Association Management, 1313 E.  Maple Street, Suite 209, Bellingham, WA 98225 or fax the completed ballot page to (360) 685-4222, or email your ballots to [email protected].  This ballot page insert must be filed and received no later than Friday, January 22, 2021 in her office.

Also, thanks to the nominees running for election of the Board of Directors.  For those who still have not submitted their ballots, vote for 5 of the 6 nominees (should anyone possibly needing clarification) when reviewing the ballot form.

If there are any questions regarding the correspondence packet or absentee ballots sent by Judy Hamner (Association Manager) of Elite Association Management, please contact her at (360) 685-4209.

HOA Subscribers Increases Monthly on the New Website:

Aaron Rockwell has reported that the HOA has 58 neighbors subscribed to the new website.  The website is the best way for communicating HOA neighborhood news, meeting minutes, reviewing CC & R’s, and much more.  Please subscribe if you have not already done so: http://thegreensatloomistrail.org/subscribe

Once members are subscribed, email notifications will be sent with news updates to the email that subscribers listed.

Also, I will be sending in the mail newsletter update copies to those that requested that they wanted the newsletter mailed directory to them due to no access to a computer and/or email.  I am happy to mail a copy of newsletters to anyone else as well in the future too if necessary. Members need to mail me their request with their name and address to 8655 Cambridge Loop, Blaine, WA. 98230.

For future newsletter submission updates, submit information no later than January 28, 2021 to [email protected].

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Kathy Barnes
HOA Newsletter Volunteer
Call (360) 305-5508 or text

[Photo credit: Kathy Barnes]