
Has Spring Sprung?

With the recent weather patterns of snow, hail and frigid weather, one might be tempted to wonder. But spring is just around the corner! I know many of you are eager to get out into your yards to do some spring sprucing. In fact, just before I sat down to write this month’s newsletter. I chatted with a neighbor who told me he wanted to be the first to mow his lawn this year. Then, with a sigh of disappointment he informed me that someone had beat him to it. Way to go Loomis neighbors! That’s the healthy kind of competition we like to see.

A Little Leadership Shuffle

Since publication of the February newsletter, HOA was notified by Shamika Brooks that personal issues made it necessary for her to resign from the Board. We’re going to miss her cheerfulness, energy and competence. Shamika’s Board chair will be filled by Ann Zimmerman. Ann’s previous HOA leadership experience includes serving three years as the president of an HOA that had 1800 homes!

Sam Menzies, long-time local business owner and operator, has agreed to serve as our new President.  Doug Moore will switch to the role of VP; Beth Morris will take on the roles of Treasurer and Secretary; Kevin Cavanaugh will continue as Member-at-Large. 

Is It Tax or Budget Season? 

Technically both.  But for Loomis Trail residents the focus is on budget. The HOA board will present our 2023 Budget in a Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening, March 28th, from 7:00-7:45 PM.  The mailing you received recently from Elite Management includes not only your annual HOA dues coupons, but also a copy of the budget as well as the Zoom address for the meeting, an Absentee Ballot and a Proxy designation form. To be counted, either your Absentee Ballot or your Proxy designation form must be in Elite Management’s hands by 4:00 pm March 28, 2023.

All residents are welcome to attend this meeting and ask any questions relating to the proposed budget. If you are unable to join us via Zoom, but would like to attend, please contact me at [email protected] and I will see what I can do to help you.

We are pleased to announce that we have been able to avoid increasing monthly dues for yet another year! Enjoy the reprieve, but expect there most likely will be an increase January, 2024.

Next Month’s Picture Feature 

We will post photos of our local wildlife taken from within the gates of the Greens. Please send your pictures of animals and birds to [email protected].

Thanks For Slowing Down!

We are grateful for everyone’s patience when driving in the neighborhood! Slowing down to “smell the roses” will make this community a safe place for everyone.  

Kevin Cavanaugh