After the last board meeting I mentioned that I would be leaving the board at the end of December; however, the October 3, 2022 board meeting was like no other in the many years I have been on the board. Effective, October 6, 2022 I am resigning due to a few verbal outbursts by attending members and one board member’s interaction saying conflicting damaging statements that were not supporting CC&R’s or a team approach in working together. I can no longer watch favoritism of friendships and ethics being ignored.
It has been an honor to work with Doug Moore, Shamika Brooks, my husband Ryan Barnes as well as our long time professional Property Manager Judy Hamner. I will miss these positive ethical interactions that support following the Loomis Trail CC&R’s and working in the the Best Interest of the HOA.
Many tasks I performed were being shared with Shamika Brooks and I have been working with her to pass the baton.
For over 8 years I did my best to make sure through my different roles as BOD Secretary, Newsletter Volunteer, Landscape Committee, and Welcome Committee were done well and I am proud of my work. I only ask that in the future that volunteers and board members know these positions are truly important and duties should not be ignored.
Kathy Barnes