The HOA Loomis Trail Neighborhood is scheduled to be snow plowed Thursday night at approximately midnight to get as much snow and ice off the roadway. Please keep cars off the road and pull outs open as much as possible for the plowing to happen.
The gate is being left open at this time as well for safety reasons so that cars do not accidentally slide into the gate; plus, the gate has been freezing up and not shutting properly. Enjoy the snow and drive safely everyone.
If anyone has some snow pictures they want to share to post for the January 2022 newsletter, please send them to [email protected] by January 1, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. The newsletter will be sent out January 2nd.
Submitted by,
Kathy Barnes
HOA Board Secretary and Newsletter Volunteer
(360) 305-5508
[Cover photo: Hillary Rockwell]